On this page

  • Lodging your Expression of Interest
  • Eligibility
  • Program guidelines
  • Funding amounts
  • Questions?

Aboriginal Justice offers a range of grants for communities to deliver local responses to justice-related issues. The Koori Justice Worker Diversion Program, is delivered by Aboriginal community organisations across 20 locations in Victoria.

Local Justice Workers provide Aboriginal offenders with case support to meet the conditions of their corrections orders through supervised community work opportunities in culturally appropriate environments and connecting with relevant programs and services in the community. They have proven effective in helping Aboriginal people to address fine payments, successful completion of community correction orders, and reduce breach rates.

Koori Womens and Mens Diversion program is a volunteer program, that provides supports to Aboriginal people who are at risk of contact with the Justice system. They have proven effective in helping Aboriginal people to address fine payments, connection back to community and culture and has been successful with reducing the rates of contact with Justice System.

Lodging your Expression of Interest

The Koori Justice Unit is currently open to receiving applications from Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCO) via an Expression of Interest (EOI) process, until June 17 2024.

To apply, please download the EOI form for your region below and submit the completed form to kju.grants@justice.vic.gov.au (External link).


All organisations must demonstrate eligibility to be considered as part of the EOI process including:

  • Registration and compliance with the appropriate regulatory body requirements (including Consumer Affairs Victoria/Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations/Australian Investment and Securities Commission)
  • Evidence of Aboriginal control (at least 50 percent of Directors are Aboriginal)
  • At least two years financial statements
  • Statement of Professional Indemnity Insurance and evidence of suitable Child Safety regulation insurance (in most cases the Victorian Managed Insurance Agency will provide adequate insurance for organisations funded by the Victorian Government).

Program guidelines

If you do intend to submit an EOI, please read the program guidelines which can be downloaded below.

Funding amounts

Please check the EOI documents below to see the funding available for your region.


For any questions of further assistance, please contact:

Sandy Pearce, Senior Policy Officer
Phone: 0477 952 768 (External link)
Email: sandy.pearce@justice.vic.gov.au (External link)

Alternatively you can contact your RAJAC Executive Officer or Local Engagement Officer in your respective region.


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