Where we are up to
In December 2020, the Aboriginal Justice Caucus endorsed the Southern Metropolitan, Barwon South West, and Gippsland regions to deliver the family centred approaches projects. Expression of Interest (EOI) processes to identify Aboriginal organisations to deliver the service model in each region were held during 2021-22.
Windamara Aboriginal Corporation was selected as the successful provider in the Barwon South West region (with a focus on Heywood, Hamilton and surrounds) and Dandenong & District Aborigines Co-operative and Dardi Munwurro in the South Metropolitan region (with a focus on Greater Dandenong and surrounds). The EOI process for the Gippsland region has recently concluded, with the successful provider yet to be announced. The Gippsland RAJAC determined that the project should focus on communities in the East Gippsland area.
Following a period of around six months for project initiation and establishment in each location, service delivery will commence during 2023.
The family centred approaches project is intended to provide holistic and coordinated support for Aboriginal individuals and families involved in the justice system. A core component of the project is to incorporate cultural healing and strengthening approaches into justice services and programs to enhance connections to culture and improve strength, resilience and wellbeing. The project will include collaboration from across government departments to design and deliver family centred approaches for Aboriginal clients with complex needs across multiple systems, and ensure justice responses are aligned and integrated with developments in:
- Aboriginal child protection and out-of-home care
- family violence integrated support and safety hubs
- child and family services sector reform
- Gathering Places.