Where we are up to
Through the 2018-19 State Budget, AJA4 funding of $6.678 million was provided for the expansion of criminal division Koori Courts, which included a limited expansion of the family division Marram-Ngala Ganbu (MNG) Koori Hearing Day to Shepparton and an independent evaluation.
Demand in Shepparton continues to be much higher than anticipated with the figures showing an overrepresentation of Aboriginal families for current pending matters. Funding opportunities are being sought to employ a Koori Family Support Officer in Shepparton to support the MNG program.
In late June 2022, the Broadmeadows MNG team hosted an information session on the recently launched Morwell Nugel with VACCA and the Latrobe Valley magistrates in preparation for upcoming s18 authorisations. The session was well attended by magistrates, who expressed interest in an expansion of MNG to Latrobe Valley to complement the recent launch of Nugel Morwell.