1. Strong and safe Aboriginal families and communities
1.2 Aboriginal communities are safer
1.2.2 Communities are more enabled to address local justice issues
In progress
Koori Justice Unit, Department of Justice and Community Safety
Where we are up to
In 2018-19, the Aboriginal Justice Caucus endorsed 3 Place-Based Local Community-Led Justice Projects:
- a Collective Impact Project in East Gippsland
- two Restorative Justice Projects in the Hume and Eastern Metropolitan regions.
A four-year funding arrangement has been established to support Moogji Aboriginal Council to deliver Doombook, formerly the East Gippsland Collaborative Impact Project. Due to the devastating impacts of the 2020 bushfires and COVID-19 pandemic, the focus of the project shifted from a Collective Impact approach to instead providing flexible and intensive support to meet the needs of Aboriginal communities in Orbost, Cann River, and surrounds.
Delivery of Doombook is now well underway, including:
- development of a property that acts as a place of cultural connection and education
- securing local vocational and employment opportunities
- providing after-school, school holiday and mentoring activities for young people
- supporting cultural strengthening and community healing activities
- undertaking justice education and advocacy.