Where we are up to
The 2018–9 Victorian Budget allocated $40.3 million to support initiatives under Burra Lotjpa Dunguludja, including an additional $4.35 million to support the expansion of the Baroona Youth Healing Service (Baroona) in Echuca.
The funding will be used to enhance the existing program and redevelop the facility’s infrastructure. Program development and infrastructure works are necessary to equip Baroona to accommodate young Aboriginal men and women on bail and as an alternative to remand.
The 2020–2021 budget allocated an additional $1.5 million over two years (2021–22 and 2022–23) to further support the expansion of Baroona.
The project has made significant progress in the early works project implementation schedule including:
- engagement of local government in the planning process
- completing a Cost Benefit Analysis
- appointing the architect (Public Realm Lab).
The planning and site works were impacted by the recent flood events in the region however the project control group is convening to progress planning and implementation in 2023-2024.
It is anticipated building works will commence in 2023 and be complete in 2024. The extended timelines will allow Njernda to complete the extensive re-zoning, planning and permits process in partnership with local government.