2. Fewer Aboriginal people in the criminal justice system
2.4 Fewer Aboriginal people return to the criminal justice system
2.4.3 People are supported to transition from the justice system and reintegrate into their communities
In progress
Corrections Victoria, Department of Justice and Community Safety
Where we are up to
Corrections Victoria delivers several programs suited to the remand cohort, including:
- ReStart Program – This program provides pre and post release support to prisoners leaving prison on short sentences or remand. This program is delivered by Australian Community Support Organisation (ACSO) and there are two identified roles within the program.
- The Torch Aboriginal Arts Program – The Torch have recruited additional staff to support the growth of the program, including a Marketing & Operations Coordinator. Program engagement remains strong within prison environments and engagement continues to improve within post release. The Confined 13 art exhibition was held in 2022, presenting over 400 artworks from 250 artists.
- Baggarrook Aboriginal Women's Transitional Housing Program – This program, delivered in partnership by the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service (VALS), Aboriginal Housing Victoria (AHV), Corrections Victoria and the Department of Family, Fairness and Housing, provides a specialist, culturally responsive wraparound service for Aboriginal women who are at risk of homelessness when exiting prison. VALS deliver on-site post release support to women residing at a purpose-built facility. The program has recently been refreshed and will be evaluated in 2022–23.
- Yawal Mugadjina and Djirra’s Prison Support Program – These programs provide throughcare support to Aboriginal people in prison and upon exit, including those on remand. Delivery of both programs has been impacted by COVID-19, however there is a strong focus on returning to pre-pandemic contracted service levels as COVID-19 related restrictions ease.
Wadamba Prison to Work Program – This program provides Aboriginal people aged 18-35 on remand at Dame Phyllis Frost Centre and Melbourne Remand Centre with access to employment services, career guidance, and cultural supports while in custody, as well a post release.