Where we are up to
Recommendations from the evaluations of AJA3 are used to inform changes to processes, programs, partnership and place-based approaches under AJA4. This is evident in the establishment of Collaborative Working Groups, changes to Regional Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committee’s Plans, the AJA4 Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Framework and Partnership Survey.
The Koori Justice Unit documents responses to AJA3 evaluation recommendations. Of the 31 recommendations, all except for two are fully implemented. The remaining two are in progress.
Previous evaluations of the AJA were completed as single projects. This approach had limitations given the breadth and depth of activity of the AJA. To ensure the extensive engagement of Aboriginal community members in evaluation activities, the evaluation of AJA3 was split into discrete projects including a synthesis of previous evaluations of AJA programs, an evaluation of the AJA partnership and a place-based evaluation.