Where we are up to
The Foundational Family Violence Training (FFVT) and Managers’ Foundational Family Violence Training (MFFVT), includes an Aboriginal family case study and extensive data and other content relating specifically to the Aboriginal community’s experiences of family violence. This includes noting that Aboriginal women are often the victim survivors of non-Aboriginal men’s violence.
It has been reviewed by the Koori Justice Unit (KJU) and Aboriginal Justice Caucus Working Group (as outlined in Aboriginal involvement in review of family violence) and over 4,500 departmental staff have completed training since 2019.
Participant evaluation surveys provide opportunity for review and feedback on content and show increased understanding and knowledge of Aboriginal peoples’ experiences of family violence. The Family Violence Practice Leadership Team will seek co-facilitation from the KJU for specific family violence training sessions where there might be a high number of Aboriginal participants or a high number of practitioners working with Aboriginal clients.
Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Risk Management (MARAM) training on working with victim survivors for relevant Department of Justice and Community Safety and funded agency staff is progressively being rolled out, developed by Family Safety Victoria in consultation with Djirra and other partner organisations. Training for working with adults using family violence is also in development by a collaborative partnership between Swinburne University of Technology (SUT), Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Service, No to Violence and Uniting.