Status complete
4. Greater self-determination in the justice sector
4.2 Greater Aboriginal community leadership and strategic decision making
4.2.1 Aboriginal people have greater roles in leadership, governance and decision making
Koori Justice Unit, Department of Justice and Community Safety

Where we are up to 

The partnership survey was drafted based on recommendations from the evaluation of  Aboriginal Justice Agreement (AJA) 3. It was tested with the Aboriginal Justice Caucus and stakeholders prior to the survey being conducted.

The AJA4 Partnership Survey was conducted in early 2021 with results provided to Aboriginal Justice Forum (AJF) 58.

This survey will be conducted annually as it assists to assess progress against various measures outlined in the AJA4 Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Framework (MELF). It was last conducted at the beginning of 2022 with findings to be distributed to the Aboriginal Justice Forum, Regional Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committees and Youth Collaborative Working Groups.