Status in progress
4. Greater self-determination in the justice sector
4.2 Greater Aboriginal community leadership and strategic decision making
4.2.1 Aboriginal people have greater roles in leadership, governance and decision making
In progress
Koori Justice Unit, Department of Justice and Community Safety

Where we are up to 

Collaborative Working Groups were established in response to recommendations from the AJA3 Partnership Evaluation. The impact of these groups on enabling greater Aboriginal involvement in justice decision-making, policy and legislative development is examined through the Aboriginal Justice Partnership Survey.

The survey found positive results against relevant AJA4 Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Framework (MELF) indicators relating to self-determination, community empowerment, and collaboration. Respondents agreed that partnership structures have enabled greater community involvement in decision-making, implementation, and oversight of Aboriginal justice policies, programs and initiatives in the past 12 months.

The Regional Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committee (RAJAC) and Local Aboriginal Justice Action Committee (LAJAC) Framework of Operations was revised and endorsed by Caucus. Membership of several of these committees has since been updated and other mechanisms are being established to engage young people in decision-making.