Where we are up to
The best justice outcomes for Aboriginal people, are determined by Aboriginal people. This sentiment is reflected in the Department of Justice and Community Safety Statement of Direction (External link) (2019-2023), which includes an overarching outcome of building a fair and accessible justice system for Aboriginal people.
In 2019, the Department of Justice and Community Safety was reorganised to deliver on this ambition and a dedicated Aboriginal Justice Group was established. This Group drives change and coordinates efforts across the department to improve outcomes for Aboriginal Victorians, with a strong emphasis on supporting Aboriginal self-determination and working in partnership with Victorian Aboriginal communities, stakeholders, and individuals. This Group provides strong Aboriginal leadership at senior levels within the Department of Justice and Community Safety, with 6 of 9 executives in this Group identifying as Aboriginal. Work continues to create career pathways for Aboriginal staff to move into more senior roles within the department.
Better, Connected Care is supporting Aboriginal decision-making through the Local Site Executive Committees (LSECs) established in 17 areas across the state. LSECs are co-chaired by Department of Justice and Community Safety and Department of Family, Fairness and Housing executives, with membership from Victoria Police, Department of Education and Training, Department of Health, and sector partners. LSECs provide a forum for government and sector leaders to come together to find shared ways to solve local problems and improve the way services are delivered.
LSECs will partner with Regional Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committees and/or local Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) to ensure that the Aboriginal community plays an integral role in developing LSEC priorities. Currently Rumbalara is a member of the Goulburn LSEC and Brimbank-Melton is establishing an operational partnership with a range of sector partners, including ACCOs.