The Aboriginal Justice Caucus comprises the Aboriginal community members of the Aboriginal Justice Forum (AJF). In addition to the nine Chairs of the Regional Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committees (RAJACs) the Aboriginal Justice Caucus also includes Aboriginal representatives of Aboriginal peak bodies and some Aboriginal community controlled organisations.
The role of the Aboriginal Justice Caucus is evolving, as they participate in a growing number of local and state-wide advisory and governance mechanisms to inform government responses to justice-related issues, including this Agreement, the development of a new Aboriginal youth justice strategy and initiatives relating to the 2016 Royal Commission into Family Violence. The progression of self-determination necessitates new and enhanced roles for the Aboriginal partners of the AJA and the AJF.
The Aboriginal Justice Caucus will seek to increase its participation in government processes, policy and program design, which is critical to the realisation of self-determination for the Victorian Aboriginal community in the justice sector:
“The Aboriginal Justice Caucus appreciates the enormity of the task but is ready to take responsibility for setting the Aboriginal justice agenda”[i].
[i] Behrendt L, Jorgensen M, Vivian A, 2017, Self-Determination within the Justice Context, Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education and Research, University of Technology Sydney, prepared for Department of Justice and Regulation, Victoria State Government., p.12.