Aboriginal community organisations are crucial to the delivery of Burra Lotjpa Dunguludja not only because they deliver essential services to the community but because they represent the community voice to the partnership. Increasing Aboriginal community control of justice services will ensure that services are tailored to each community’s particular priorities and goals, and deliver culturally appropriate solutions driven by the local community. Increasing Aboriginal community control is not just about increasing the capacity of the Aboriginal sector, but is also about enabling the government sector to relinquish control and work with community agencies in new and innovative ways. 

The Aboriginal justice workforce is skilled and resilient. Aboriginal staff working in justice services understand the needs of their communities, and are able to impart their knowledge when caring for and supporting Aboriginal people. Their presence offers confidence and trust to Aboriginal service users. An increased Aboriginal workforce with the leadership skills necessary to participate in genuine decision-making that affects them is required. Ongoing professional development and leadership opportunities for Aboriginal staff in both government and community sectors needs to be prioritised.



A more effective justice system with greater Aboriginal control



A strong and effective Aboriginal community controlled justice sector



Aboriginal controlled organisations are enabled to design and deliver a growing share of justice programs and services


A stronger, skilled and supported Aboriginal justice workforce


Icon indicating this strategy is policy and system change.

Develop clear career pathways within and between ACCO and government justice worker roles so that there are Aboriginal people working at all levels of all sectors (government, community, not-for-profit).


Icon indicating this strategy is policy and system change.

Provide ongoing professional development and leadership opportunities for Aboriginal staff in both government and community sectors.


Icon indicating this strategy is policy and system change.

Build capacity of justice agencies to understand and implement plans for greater Aboriginal community self-determination in their services.


Icon indicating this strategy is policy and system change.

Build capacity of ACCOs to deliver justice programs and services for the Aboriginal community.


Existing initiatives

  • Aboriginal employment policies and strategies across Victorian government departments and agencies, Court Services Victoria and Victoria Police.
  • Support for Aboriginal legal professionals and students through Tarwirri Indigenous Lawyers Association.


New opportunities

Over five years we will

Aboriginal Employment and Career Strategy

Aboriginal Employment and Career Strategy

Implement strategies in the Aboriginal Employment and Career Strategy 2017-2020 across the Department of Justice and Community Safety.
Aboriginal Risk-based Compliance and Facilitated Assistance Program
In progress

Aboriginal Risk-based Compliance and Facilitated Assistance Program

Deliver the Aboriginal Risk-based Compliance and Facilitated Assistance Program to improve governance within Aboriginal incorporated associations and co-operatives registered with Consumer Affairs Victoria.
Confirmation of Aboriginality
In progress

Confirmation of Aboriginality

DJCS to cease using statutory declarations in relation to confirmation of Aboriginality; improve processes and procedures and contribute to action across government to improve CoA processes.
Develop the Aboriginal Youth Justice workforce

Develop the Aboriginal Youth Justice workforce

Provide professional development and networking opportunities for the Koori Youth Justice workforce and support an Koori Graduate Program in Youth Justice.
Progressing Aboriginal community-controlled corrections orders
In progress

Progressing Aboriginal community-controlled corrections orders

Consider Opportunities to move towards an Aboriginal community-controlled Community Corrections, which could include a regional pilot for Aboriginal Case Managers to work out of ACCOs and building capacity of ACCOs to move towards administration of Community Correction Orders.
Strengthening grants processes

Strengthening grants processes

Review grants processes, including how to improve sustainability and support for community agencies to monitor, track and evaluate their own programs.
Vicarious trauma debriefing

Vicarious trauma debriefing

Introduce culturally-appropriate debriefing and vicarious trauma debriefing as part of the Court Services Victoria Koori Employment Strategy.