Self-determination has been a fundamental driving principle of the partnership and governance structures underpinning the AJA since its inception, and informs all work under the Agreement. This approach has seen the development of multiple positions, plans, partnerships and programs that specifically meet the needs of the Victorian Aboriginal community since 2000 including those shown below:
- Victoria Police Aboriginal Community Liaison Officers
- Sheriff’s Aboriginal Liaison Officers
- Local Justice Workers
- Aboriginal Justice Caucus and Secretariat
- RAJAC Executive Officers
- LAJAC Project Officers
- Aboriginal Dispute Resolution Team
- Koori Court Officers
- Aboriginal Wellbeing Officers
- Aboriginal Community Corrections Officers, Case Managers and Parole Officers
- Aboriginal Victims Assistance Support Workers
- Advanced Aboriginal Case Managers
- Koori Women’s Diversion Program
- Wulgunggo Ngalu Learning Place
- Koori Courts
- Koori Youth Justice Program
- Reporting Racism Project
- Koori Independent Prison Visitor Scheme
- Local Justice Worker Program
- Frontline Youth and Community Initiatives Programs
- Koori Youth Crime Prevention Grants
- Family Violence funding for ACCOs
- Kaka Wangity Wangin-Mirrie Cultural Programs in Correctional Services (programs that focus on cultural strengthening; family violence; parenting and healing
- Victorian Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committee
- Aboriginal Justice Agreement Partnership
- Aboriginal Justice Caucus
- Regional Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committees
- Local Aboriginal Justice Action Committees
- Indigenous Family Violence Partnership Forum
- DJR Koori Careers and Employment Strategy
- DJR Yarrwul Loitjba Yapaneyepuk
(Koori Inclusion Action Plan) - DJR Cultural Respect Framework
- Corrections Victoria and Justice Health Aboriginal Social and Emotional Wellbeing Plan