Burra Lotjpa Dunguludja takes an outcomes approach to organise and communicate what will be done under the Agreement.

Too often, government focuses on outputs – the number of activities, products or services being provided. But monitoring and reporting on outputs or activity alone does not provide evidence of whether that work is effective and whether necessary changes occurred as intended.

Focussing on outcomes allows us to better identify what the most important changes are and whether they are being achieved. It communicates our key priorities, and what success will look like, and provides flexibility to adapt and improve initiatives that are not delivering the intended results. It allows for more flexible and tailored responses, development of additional actions, and greater Aboriginal input over the life of the Agreement.

The Burra Lotjpa Dunguludja Outcomes Framework


Download the Burra Lotjpa Dunguludja Outcomes Framework here


Accessible version of Outcomes Framework

1. Strong and safe Aboriginal families and communities1.1 Aboriginal families are strong and resilient1.1.1 People are more connected to their family, community, country and culture
1.1.2 Families are enabled to address justice issues and minimise the effects of crime and justice system involvement
1.1.3 Families have greater awareness and ability to protect their civil rights
1.2 Aboriginal communities are safer1.2.1 Victims and witnesses are better supported to manage and minimise the effects of crime
1.2.2 Communities are more enabled to address local justice issues
1.2.3 Less conflict and violence in communities
2. Fewer Aboriginal people in the criminal justice system2.1 Aboriginal people are not disproportionately worse off under policies and legislation2.1.1 Disproportionate impacts are identified and remedied when drafting new policies and legislation
2.1.2 Disproportionate impacts of existing justice policies and legislation are identified and remedied
2.2 Fewer Aboriginal people enter the criminal justice system2.2.1 Fewer young people become involved with the criminal justice system
2.2.2 An individual’s first contact with the criminal justice system is also their last
2.3 Fewer Aboriginal people progress through the criminal justice system2.3.1 More people are diverted from further contact with the criminal justice system
2.3.2 Fewer people are remanded into custody 
2.3.3 More people successfully address fines, warrants and/or meet conditions of orders and sentences
2.4 Fewer Aboriginal people return to the criminal justice system2.4.1 People build resilience whilst in contact with the justice system 
2.4.2 Drivers of people’s offending are addressed whilst in contact with the justice system 
2.4.3 People are supported to transition from the justice system and reintegrate into their communities
3. A more effective justice system with greater Aboriginal control3.1 The needs of Aboriginal people are met through a more culturally informed and safe system 3.1.1 Justice programs and services are more culturally safe, responsive, inclusive and effective
3.1.2 More people are able to access justice programs and services that are trauma informed, restorative and therapeutic
3.2 A strong and effective Aboriginal community controlled justice sector3.2.1 Aboriginal community controlled organisations are enabled to deliver a growing share of justice programs and services
3.2.2 A stronger, skilled and supported Aboriginal justice workforce
4. Greater self-determination in the justice sector4.1 Greater accountability for justice outcomes4.1.1 Independent oversight of Aboriginal justice outcomes
4.1.2 Increased Aboriginal community ownership of and access to data
4.2 Greater Aboriginal community leadership and strategic decision making4.2.1 Aboriginal people have greater roles in leadership, governance and decision making
4.2.2 Resource allocation reflects Aboriginal community priorities 

How to understand Burra Lotjpa Dunguludja

The Agreement is composed of a number of levels:

  • Domains reflect critical areas in which outcomes need to be achieved.
  • Goals are considered achievable within the period of this Agreement, provided efforts across government and community to address the underlying drivers of Aboriginal social and economic disadvantage are effective.
  • Outcomes reflect desired changes for individuals, families, communities and the justice system as the result of actions implemented under this Agreement
  • Strategies are the ways those outcomes can be achieved over time.
  • Actions specify commitments, activities and areas for further development that will deliver those strategies.

What are the symbols?

The strategies identified in this agreement fall into four broad categories:


Icon indicating this strategy is early intervention and prevention.
Early intervention and prevention


Icon indicating this strategy is rehabilitation.


Icon indicating this strategy is diversion.


Icon indicating this strategy is policy and system change.
Policy and system change